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Re: A question upon student loan inter - 未名空间精华区
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Re: A question upon student loan inter

发信人: zengdl (方鸿渐,反扑鬼镇), 信区: TAX
标 题: Re: A question upon student loan interest
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Mar 22 00:29:27 2003), 站内信件

student loan interest can be deducted for any filing status except
married filing separately.

【 在 googleyu (google) 的大作中提到: 】
: My understanding about the student loan interest is
: if you are single, it's tax free
: if you are married, in 1040NR, it's not tax free
: This doesn't make any sense to me. Could somebody tell me
: if I was right or wrong? Thanks a lot.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 67.80.]


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